Sharp 80% rise in liver cancer deaths in UK

Apple hopes its new streaming service will make a splash

Brazil wildfires: Blaze advances across Pantanal wetlands

Climate change 'making mountaineering riskier'

Scientists Now Know How Sleep Cleans Toxins From the Brain

How the Measles Virus Induces ‘Immune Amnesia’

Spiders inspire double-sided sticky tape to heal wounds

Facial recognition technology code of conduct call

For All Mankind review – Apple's solid alt-space saga avoids crash landing

'I was a victim of the WhatsApp hack'

Google given green light for Toronto smart city

Climate change: Spain offers to host COP25 in Madrid

Mathematicians Cut Apart Shapes to Find Pieces of Equations

Twitter's canny political ad ban costs it little – and piles pressure on Facebook

Facebook challenged over political ad policy

Facebook content moderation firm Cognizant quits

Entire drone fleet grounded by US government agency

Bronze Age monument discovered in Forest of Dean

The Delicate Art—and Evolving Science—of Wildfire Evacuations

Quarter of world's pig population 'to die of African swine fever'

NASA is Getting Serious About an Interstellar Mission

Flesh-eating ulcer spreads to new regions, prompting Victoria health alert

Google Pixel 4 review: a good phone ruined by poor battery life

Which is the best streaming service for supporting artists?

'We're cosseting our kids' – the war against today's dangerously dull playgrounds

Antibiotic price drop could stop millions from developing tuberculosis

Climate emissions from tropical forest damage 'underestimated by a factor of six'

DeepMind AI achieves Grandmaster status at Starcraft 2

'Alarming' loss of insects and spiders recorded

DeepMind AI achieves Grandmaster status at Starcraft 2

'The challenge was to play like a human': AI takes on the gamers

Study offers fresh hope to premature babies with brain injuries

How Syndicated Columns, Comics and Stories Forever Changed the News Media

How Lasers Work, According to the World's Top Expert

#TeamTrees: YouTube stars boost tree-planting campaign to over $8m

Chile cancels climate and Apec summits amid unrest

Smart meters will get to Star Trek phase, says minister

Electric cars could be charged in 10 minutes in future, finds research

Perceptions of Musical Octaves Are Learned, Not Wired in the Brain

Greta Thunberg rejects Nordic Council environmental award

Microsoft's GitHub blocks Catalan protest app

Climate change: Sea level rise to affect 'three times more people'

Amazon's push for Prime sign-up 'misleading', says ASA

Facebook agrees to pay fine over Cambridge Analytica scandal

Facebook agrees to pay Cambridge Analytica fine to UK

Netflix founder: 'Learn when to get out of the way'

Asthma carbon footprint 'as big as eating meat'

WhatsApp sues Israeli firm over phone hacking claims

You are right to be scared of cassowaries, but there's a softer side to this terrifying bird | Raelee Lancaster

WhatsApp sues Israeli firm, accusing it of hacking activists' phones

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