Almost third of UK Covid hospital patients readmitted within four months

Should we determine species through DNA? (part two) – podcast

Amazon v the union: The vote the online giant fears

Football teams retain home advantage with no crowd, study finds

Macron to unveil tough measures as Covid cases surge in France

It Takes Two review – joyful family adventure for socially distanced duos

Self-love or self-hate? The surprising truth about narcissists

Where have I found peace in the pandemic? Taking part in a Covid vaccine trial

Low mood or clinical depression? Taking a critical approach to psychology | Letters

Palantir: NHS says future deals 'will be transparent'

Huawei’s business damaged by US sanctions despite success at home

Germany restricts use of AstraZeneca jab to over-60s

Facebook tweaks its news feed with new controls

Higher testosterone levels in men linked to greater melanoma risk

Deliveroo shares drop 30% on stock market debut

Bottega Veneta ditches Instagram to set up 'digital journal'

Dig reveals 6,000-year-old salt hub in North Yorkshire

VW rebrand turns out to be April Fool's joke

Mafia fugitive caught after posting cooking show on YouTube

Scalping: The teens making thousands selling consoles online

British study links alcohol with lower risk of developing cataracts

UK scientists warn of 'catastrophic' impact of funding cuts

Google Maps to start showing eco-friendly routes

Oxford Nanopore float offers London a proper tech future

Oxford Nanopore float offers London a proper tech future

About 50% of people in UK have antibodies against coronavirus

Gambling apps: a super casino in your pocket

EU plan threatens British participation in hi-tech research

'Delay is as dangerous as denial': scientists urge Australia to reach net zero emissions faster

Police bust 'world's biggest' video-game-cheat operation

Schoolmates Ollie and Jacob on TikTok fame

Show us your best stargazing photos

'Fake' Amazon workers defend company on Twitter

Light pollution from satellites 'poses threat' to astronomy

Child tweets gibberish from US nuclear-agency account

Mystery brain disorder baffles Canadian medicine

University scientists deconstruct Covid-19 vaccines and publish 'recipe' on open web

'We have your porn collection': The rise of Extortionware

Wales election: Fears over 'anonymous' social media adverts

How bees and drones team up to find landmines

Queensland Covid outbreak: experts say hospitals already 'stressed' and health workers exposed

Crystal brains and witches' butter: discover the fabulous world of fungi

Bob Pape was a beloved father and foster carer. Did 'eat out to help out' cost him his life?

Why is it hard to get our head around fungi? (part one) – podcast

Canada suspends use of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine for those under 55

Thierry Henry: 'It's not OK to get abused online'

Legal challenge over the government using Whatsapp

Covid probably passed to humans from bats via other animal, finds WHO report

'No quick fix': improving empathy requires prolonged and intense therapy, experts say

School cyber-attack affects 40,000 pupils’ email

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