Terrawatch: supercontinents and the search for habitable planets

Australian health authorities warn against mixing Covid vaccine types

A human is not a horse. So why is a livestock drug sweeping America? | Arwa Mahdawi

Fake Banksy NFT sold through artist's website for £244k

Coinbase users fear hacking after erroneous emails

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ contaminate indoor air at worrying levels, study finds

Robo-penguin: how artificial birds are relaying the secrets of ocean currents

What evolutionary advantage comes from women having considerably less body hair than men?

YouTube signs Twitch video-game streamer Dr Lupo

Instagram to require all users to enter birthdate

Robo-penguin: self-propelled devices to help study of eddies

Israel registers record daily coronavirus cases

No More Heroes 3 review – anarchic alien-killer goes out with a bang

China cuts amount of time minors can spend playing online video games

Breast cancer: The AI tool trained to spot the disease

Here's why Elon Musk’s robot is electrified neoliberalism | Van Badham

The ‘Tesla Bot’ reveals the alarming truth: billionaires don’t know what it’s like for the rest of us | Van Badham

Can we really solve the climate crisis by planting trees? (part one) – podcast

Tokyo 2020: Toyota restarts driverless vehicles after accident

Huge decrease in organ transplants as Covid took hold across world

Can apps move the #MeToo movement forward?

I have a 50/50 chance of inheriting Huntington’s disease – should I take a test to find out? | Lillian Hanly

The Guardian view on the quantum world: where facts are relative | Editorial

Australian imports of ivermectin increase 10-fold, prompting warning from TGA

Walls that talk: how to buy real art in lockdown, from budget finds to custom commissions

We must not act as if Covid is all behind us | Letters

The end of phone calls: why young people have silenced their ringtones

Covid: how can schools improve air quality to reduce transmission?

Concerns over plan to disinfect classrooms in Wales with ozone

Covid booster jabs ‘not a luxury’ and protect the vulnerable, says WHO

China cuts children's online gaming to one hour

To vaccinate children or not? Getting decision right is far from child’s play

Coronavirus live news: schools in Europe must stay open, says WHO; Auckland extends lockdown

What personality are you? How the Myers-Briggs test took over the world

Kidnapped, raped and wed against their will: Kyrgyz women’s fight against a brutal tradition

‘Selling a promise’: what Silicon Valley learned from the fall of Theranos

Scepticism grows in El Salvador over pioneering Bitcoin gamble

How to photograph the moon on your phone or camera with the right settings

Floating wind turbines could open up vast ocean tracts for renewable power

Elizabeth Holmes: from Silicon Valley’s female icon to disgraced CEO on trial

Why OnlyFans had second thoughts on banning sexually explicit content

IQs are on the rise, but we don’t need hard facts any more | Torsten Bell

‘The smartest person in any room anywhere’: in defence of Elon Musk, by Douglas Coupland

‘The smartest person in any room anywhere’: in defence of Elon Musk, by Douglas Coupland

Is deep-sea mining a cure for the climate crisis or a curse?

Lack of psychologists hits pupils with special educational needs

Being a Human review – two go mad in the stone age

‘People wanted to believe’: reporter who exposed Theranos on Elizabeth Holmes’ trial

Why pigeons mean peril for satellite broadband

The race to give nuclear fusion a role in the climate emergency

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