When did Omicron variant arrive in UK and is it spreading?

Older, unvaccinated people should delay travel, says WHO, as Omicron restrictions spread

Terrawatch: what the world can learn from China’s sinking city

Gene-edited livestock: robust rules needed before approval, say ethicists

Rock cakes? Stonehenge builders may have enjoyed mince pies

Elon Musk jokes about whistleblowers with new Tesla product

Facebook reverses Kyle Rittenhouse search policy

Twitter will remove images tweeted without consent

E-scooters in London: Met Police warn retailers not to exploit customers at Christmas

UK competition watchdog orders Meta to sell Giphy

Parag Agrawal: India celebrates new Twitter CEO

Celebrating 25 years of Lara Croft with … a cookbook?

A powerful and underappreciated ally in the climate crisis? Fungi | Toby Kiers and Merlin Sheldrake

MI6 must adapt to new technology to survive, says spy chief

Semi-automated offsides trialled at Fifa Arab Cup and could be used at 2022 World Cup

Working of algorithms used in government decision-making to be revealed

Who is Parag Agrawal? The new Twitter CEO replacing Jack Dorsey

MI6 needs tech sector’s help to win AI race with China and Russia – spy chief

US facial recognition firm faces £17m UK fine for ‘serious breaches’

Elizabeth Holmes trial: former Theranos CEO recounts alleged abuse by her former lover

Why broken African phones are shipped to Europe

Anti-virus firm McAfee seems to be sending junk emails

Astronauts face higher debris risk in spacewalk to replace ISS antenna

Omicron: entry bans spread as China pledges 1bn jabs for Africa

Amazon: Union election to be rerun after claims of foul play

Covid-19: how worried should we be about Omicron? | podcast

World’s vast networks of underground fungi to be mapped for first time

Jack Dorsey: What's next for Twitter's co-founder?

Facial recognition firm faces possible £17m privacy fine

‘Amazing science’: researchers find xenobots can give rise to offspring

The Guardian view on vaccines and Omicron: upping the antibodies | Editorial

Did you solve it? Yule devour these festive treats

Chinese could hack data for future quantum decryption, report warns

China surveillance of journalists to use 'traffic-light' system

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey expected to step down as chief executive - reports

Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey set to step down, report says

Nissan boss warns no end in sight to global chip shortage

Facebook’s lame attempts to grab my attention make it clear: it’s time to leave | Eleanor Margolis

Nissan to invest £13bn on speeding switch to electric cars

Banksy-inspired NFT drives 'seismic' change in art world

14in MacBook Pro review: putting power back in Apple’s laptop

Controversial Pegasus spyware faces its day of reckoning | John Naughton

Can you solve it? Yule devour these festive treats

Omicron in Australia: what does the new Covid variant mean, and how worried should we be?

Online sellers 'hotbed' for dangerous items experts warn

The big idea: Should we worry about artificial intelligence?

Starwatch: Taurus and Orion point way to Cetus the sea monster

Could the Omicron variant have been avoided? It could set back vaccine successes around the world | Meru Sheel

What does appearance of Omicron mean for the double-jabbed?

Decisive early action key to suppressing Omicron variant | Letters

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